Bond Measure J Passed on November 7, 2017:
In November of 2017, the voters within the Mountain Valley Unified School District passed Bond Measure J. This bond, supported by an additional amount on property tax bills within the district, is dedicated to be spent on specific school facilities projects. Although the implementation of the Bond was delayed by a challenge of the election, ultimately a judge ruled in favor of the Bond Measure J in October of 2018.
The Tax Rate and Adjustment:
The tax rate for Measure J for district property taxpayers was to be calculated and applied for the tax year of 2021/22, but was inadvertently left off of the secured bills. This was not due to any error on the part of Mountain Valley Unified School District.
To correct this error, the tax rate for 2021/22 tax year will be split over a period of three years. The tax years this will be applied to are 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 and will then drop in the 2025/26 tax year. From tax year 2025/26 and future years, only the current tax rate for that year will be applied.
More information available at the following links:
Ballot Measure and Description
MVUSD Board Resolution Authorizing Bonds
Measure J Election Results
Ballotpedia Summary of Measure J
2018 Story in the Trinity Journal regarding Court Decision Confirming Measure J
Tax Rates
- FY 2023-24 Tax Rates
- FY 2022-23 Tax Rates
- FY 2021-22 Tax Rates
- FY 2020-21 Tax Rates
- FY 2019-20 Tax Rates
- FY 2018-19 Tax Rates
- FY 2017-18 Tax Rates
- FY 2016-17 Tax Rates
- FY 2015-16 Tax Rates
- FY 2014-15 Tax Rates
- FY 2013-14 Tax Rates
- FY 2012-13 Tax Rates
- FY 2011-12 Tax Rates
- FY 2010-11 Tax Rates
- FY 2009-10 Tax Rates
- FY 2008-09 Tax Rates
Certified Values - Also known as Assessed Values
- FY 2023-24 Certified Values by Tax Code
- FY 2023-24 Certified Values by TRA - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2022-23 Certified Values by Tax Code
- FY 2022-23 Certified Values by TRA - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2021-22 Certified Values by Tax Code
- FY 2021-22 Certified Values by TRA - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2020-21 Certified Values by Tax Code
- FY 2020-21 Certified Values by TRA - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2019-20 Certified Values - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2018-19 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2018-19 Assessed Values - Unsecured
- FY 2017-18 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2017-18 Assessed Values - Unsecured
- FY 2016-17 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2016-17 Assessed Values - Unsecured
- FY 2015-16 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2015-16 Assessed Values - Unsecured
- FY 2014-15 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2014-15 Assessed Values - Unsecured
- FY 2013-14 Assessed Values - Secured
- FY 2013-14 Assessed Values - Unsecured
Homeowner's Exemptions
- FY 2023-24 - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2022-23 - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2021-22 - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2020-21 - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2019-20 - Secured & Unsecured
- FY 2018-19 - Secured
- FY 2018-19 - Unsecured
- FY 2017-18 - Secured
- FY 2017-18 - Unsecured
- FY 2016-17 - Secured
- FY 2016-17 - Unsecured
- FY 2015-16 - Secured
- FY 2015-16 - Unsecured
- FY 2014-15 - Secured
- FY 2014-15 - Unsecured
- FY 2013-14 - Secured
- FY 2013-14 - Unsecured