Complete list of Trinity County COVID-19 Updates

Important Information for Those Being Tested for Coronavirus

Please watch the following video so that you will be better prepared for your Coronavirus test in order to reduce wait times for testing participants.

Trinity County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mobile Testing Press Release 6-1-2020

Trinity County Economic Development Resiliency Team Survey

The Trinity County Economic Development Resiliency Team has developed a brief survey for local businesses to complete to identify their need for resources to support business continuity in light of the recent COVID 19 pandemic and the state's shelter in place order.  This survey will provide guidance to the team, and will provide a list of local businesses that need assistance in order to sustain business operations for the foreseeable future.

If you are a business owner that has been impacted by the shelter in place order, please complete the survey to let us know that you are looking for some assistance. If you do not need financial assistance, please note that in your survey response.

Trinity County Public Health Public Service Announcement 5-18-2020

Trinity County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Press Release 5-14-20