Agent Orange Presumptive Conditions

AL Amyloidosis - a rare disease caused when amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in tissues or organs.  Affected organs may include heart, kidneys, liver, bowel, skin, nerves, joints, and lungs. 

Hypertension - high blood pressure.

Ischemic Heart Disease - disease characterized by a reduced supply of blood to the heart that leads to chest pain 

Parkinson's Disease - progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement.

Parkinsonism - any condition that causes a combinatino of abnormal movements. These include slow movements, trouble speaking, stiff muscles, or tremors. 

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - a disease characerized by high blood sugar levels resulting from the body's inability to respond properly to the hormone insulin. 

Hypothyroidism - a condition that causes the thyroid gland to not produce enough of certain important hormones.

Bladder Cancer - a type of cancer that affects the bladder where urine is stored before it leaves the body.

Chronic B-cell Leukemias - a type of cancer which affects white blood cells.  This includes, but is not limited to, hairy-cell leukemias and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 

Multiple Myeloma - a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell in bone marrow.

Hodgkin's Disease - a malignant lymphoma characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen, and by progressive anemia.

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - a group of cancers that affect the lymph glands and other lymphatic tissue.

Prostate Cancer - cancer of the prostate, a small gland in the male reproductive system.  

Respiratory Cancers - cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea, and bronchus

Soft Tissue Sacromas (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, or mesothelioma) - a group of different types of cancer in body tissues such as muscle, fat, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and connective tissues.

Chloroacne (or similar acneform disease) - a skin condition that occurs soon after exposure to chemicals and looks like common forms of acne seen in teenagers.  According to VA's rating regulations, it must be at least 10% disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.

Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance - 

Peripheral Neuropathy, early-onset - a nervous system condition that causes numbness, tingling, and motor weakness.  According to VA's rating regulations, it must be at least 10% disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda - a disorder characterized by liver dysfunction and by thinning and blistering of the skin in sun-exposed areas.  According to VA's rating regulations, it must be at least 10% disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.


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