College Health

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College Immunizations

The combination of weakening protection from some childhood vaccines and crowded campus housing living situations can place college students at greater risk for catching or spreading a disease. Vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks continue to occur on college campuses, including measles, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), and meningococcal disease. During disease outbreaks, the costs related to investigating each case and outbreak are significant and can be a huge burden for universities, public health departments, and health care systems. California Colleges and Universities require proof of immunization upon admission. Contact your schools admissions department or visit their immunization website to find out which shots you or your child needs before heading to college.

UC Berkeley UC Davis UC San Francisco
CSU Chico CSU Humboldt CSU Sacramento


STD Prevention and Awareness


Nearly half of the 20 million new sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) diagnosed each year are among people aged 15-24 years. About 1 in 4 of all new HIV infections is among youth and young adults ages 13-24 years. Here are some tips to avoid contracting and spreading STD's:

If you choose to have sex, know how to protect yourself against STD's. shadowbox image of couples

  • If you are a sexually active female aged 25 years or younger, get tested every year for chlamydia. If left untreated, chlamydia can affect your ability to have children.
  • If you are diagnosed with an STD, notify your sex partners so they can be tested and receive treatment if needed. If your sex partner is diagnosed with an STD, you need to be evaluated, tested, and treated.
  • The most reliable ways to avoid transmission of STDs, including HIV infection, are to abstain from sexual activity or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner.
  • Latex male and female condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of transmission of some STDs.
HIV/AIDS and STD's GYT-Get Yourself Tested HPV Vaccination

Nutrition Education

Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of energy and are the best eat-on-the-go foods. Eat regular healthy meals to help keep up your energy. Cafeterias, all-you-can-eat dining facilities, vending machines, and easy access to food 24 hours a day make it tempting to overeat or choose foods loaded with calories, saturated fat, sugar, and salt. Or, on the other hand, you may not eat enough because of stress or other reasons. If you are concerned about your weight, talk with your health care provider about diet, physical activity, and other issues you are concerned about.

fruit on forks in a horizontal alignment

Stay Fit on Campus Mini-Fridge Makeover Microwave Cooking



shadowbox image of crowd partying