Coronavirus (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions


Are medical facilities still under CDPH mask orders regardless of vaccination status? Do these orders extend to medical facilities in Trinity County? How come disabled and immunocompromised residents are carrying the burden of personal safety when the community could follow basic public health recommendations and help everyone? Why is there a lack of mitigation measures at superspreader events? No ventilation or air quality monitoring in any of the public buildings? Why hasn't the county followed it's own recommendations regarding covid safety and protections?


Trinity County follows the guidance from CDPH. Please find the State Public Health Officer Order of June 8, 2022 here

Masks are required for all individuals in the following indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status. Surgical masks or higher-level respirators (e.g., N95s, KN95s, KF94s) with good fit are highly recommended.

  • Homeless shelters, Emergency shelters and cooling and heating centers
  • Healthcare settings - applies to all healthcare settings
  • State and local correctional facilities and detention centers
  • Long Term Care Settings & Adult and Senior Care Facilities

Any complaints for non-compliance can be reported to those entities. For all other entities and the general public, masks continue to be strongly recommended but not required.CDPH masking guidance can be found here