Commercial Cannabis Permits & Applications

New CCL-Applications:

We are currently accepting new applications and all associated CEQA documents. As we approach our County cap of 530 Cannabis permits, we will make a public announcement to close acceptance of any further applications.

New applications must submitted with the complete CEQA document. To book an intake appointment, the following is required:

  • Completed CEQA document* with applicant's name, business name, APN, WDID.
  • Application must meet all dwelling requirements, (finaled or grandfathered building, or with both an active Building permit and a Director's Use Permit, (DUP), for a temporary construction RV)
  • Starting October 10, 2023, we will be requiring a cost-recovery, pre-application packet for the preliminary reviews of the new CCL CEQA documents. This packet will include a cost-recovery agreement to be signed, and a non-refundable fee of $2500, to accompany the initial submission. A link to the agreement can be found HERE.

*The CEQA document needs to have all applicable studies and site plans to move forward from this phase. If the application is located in an opt-out zone and doesn't meet the opt-out "grandfathering" criteria, it will be denied. Once the project has passed the preliminary review, you will then be scheduled for an application intake appointment where you will submit a hardcopy of the new CCL application and a half-down, non-refundable deposit.

**Please check all setbacks and if a variance is required, please submit an initial variance application & fee, ($751), along with the NEW CCL application. Once a completed application has been received, the CEQA document will go to initial review and be processed in the order that approved applications were received.

***Additional non-cultivation license types...i.e.distribution, manufacturing, non-storefront retail, microbusiness, etc., will be on-hold until Spring 2024 after final ordiance updates are completed.

Our estimated processing time is 8 to 12 weeks.

Permit Applications

With the exception of CCL renewal applications, all license application submittals require an appointment.

Commercial Cannabis Permit (New Applicant): 

Beginning 5/4/2023 we will be accepting new applications. As of October 10, 2023, we will be requiring a cost-recovery, pre-application packet for the preliminary reviews of the new CCL CEQA documents. This packet will include a cost-recovery agreement to be signed and a fee of $2500 to accompany the initial submission. A link to the agreement can be found HERE.

New 2024 Application Packet (Updated 03.20.2024)

License Transfer Form (Release of Interest)

CCL Application Completeness Review Checklist

Cost-Recovery Form

Commercial Cannabis (Renewal):

** NEW (03.05.2024)  Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Renewal Application    

Material Use Acknowledgment form  

Owner Permission Form

Maintaining Existing Site Conditions

Authorization to Enter Private Property

Site Plan with Structures List

We are currently accepting renewal license applications. It is the licensee's responsibility to submit their renewal application in a timely manner, however, the Cannabis Division will be sending out renewal reminders. It is recommended that renewals are turned in at least 30 days in advance of their anniversary date. 

Commercial Cannabis Storefront Retail Use Permit Application (New Applicant): 

Storefront Retail Application Packet  

Please also include the Business Disclosure Form: Business Disclosure Form

All applicants must contact the Cannabis Division with their properties APN to verify that it conforms to the setbacks...i.e. (youth-orientated facilities, schools, churches, and residential care facilities). Once the setbacks have been confirmed, all Applicants must make an application review appointment prior to submittal. Stop in, call (530-623-1351), or email

Only complete and prescreened applications will be accepted.

Distribution: Commercial Distributor Application - (Application currently being updated. Will be available soon)

Non-Storefront Retail: Non-Storefront Retail Application - (Application currently being updated. Will be available soon)

Manufacturing: Commercial Cannabis Manufacturing Application - (Application currently being updated. Will be available soon)

Microbusiness: Commercial Cannabis Microbusiness Application - (Application currently being updated. Will be available soon)

APP-C Modifications:

Staff is now accepting requests for MINOR modifications to existing applications and/or approved APP-C documents. Should a modification be needed, applicant must submit a Modification Request Coversheet along with a  Project Cost Recovery form with an initial payment of $150 to start the modifications. You can make your payment by cash, check, money order at the Cannabis Division or use this LINK to pay by credit card. Once the request and payment are made, our Environmental Staff will start work on the project revisions. 

Please submit the coversheet and payment with the Project Cost Recovery Form by emailing it to or in person at the Cannabis Division.

** Please be aware that we are NOT accepting Minor Modifications for Microbusinesses or any other additional license types. 

Variance Applications

Please schedule an appointment to turn in an Initial Variance Application. 

Commercial Cannabis Initial Variance Application ($751.00)

Commercial Cannabis Variance Renewal - Director's Use Permit ($751.00)