
Federal Student Aid
Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, has many resources to help student and their parents locate appropriate resources to obtain student aid from how to apply online to the various types of scholarships and loans that are available.

Online Schools Directory
The OSD provides a national directory of colleges, universities and technical schools that offer online educational options by state plus a comprehensive database of resources and links located in one place for easy access.

Affordable Colleges Online
This website provides information about affordable college options, financial aid and money saving tips.

Online Schools in California
This resource helps high school students — and others looking for higher education opportunities — find the right school for them based on personal, financial, and educational needs.

Accredited Online Colleges
This website offers a comprehensive and informative resource that ranks each university in America by size, degrees offered, tuition costs, admission rates, graduation rates, and retention rates.

Accredited Schools Online
Online learning programs have grown significantly in popularity in recent years. This website provides a comprehensive collection of resources, covering K-12 school options, financial aid information, academic support guides, a list of the best accredited online colleges and advice on how to find the right accredited program to meet the student’s needs. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education. The content or any information posted on this site does not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Education.

Live Lingua language courses
Public domain language courses from the Foreign Service Institute.

Navigating College: a resource guide for homeless and low income students
Paying for college is a challenge for any student, but especially for those who come from homeless or low-income situations. Here’s a useful guide from the team at